Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sibling Bonding

Even before Erin  was out of my tummy Armelle was attached to her and today they are as close as ever. What a joy to see them play together immensely immersed in each other. With Erin I had the most brutal pregnancy but Armelle was at my side to give me cuddles and always wanted to sleep next to my tummy to feel Erin move and to talk to her.Together they are like Kindred spirits.I truly cannot ask for more at the moment.I am enjoying seeing them grow up together as sisters and as individuals. I only pray that they stay this close throughout life...but by the looks of things I am presently assured. Have any siblings you are very close to since childhood or do you have children who are particularly close? please  share.


MsXpat said...

Aww man! How the time goes. I can hardly believe it especially after seeing them so recently playing together, they two of the most delightful young girls I've ever met :0)


awe thank you!!!!!Your little Angelo is a peach!

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