Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My gloves are off!!!

I was trying desperately to find the balance with family life , work life and my creative all became too much.........._-Life was starting to feel more of a rat race . A race i wished to be longer apart of, i felt my family was no better for it and the monetary side was simply just not balancing out. Not with childcare cost rocketing with every change of a nappy. When worked out I was paying someone else to raise to my kids so I can go to work with very little left over for much else. What was the point..........and the stress of it all. Oh do not get me started on the stress aspect and always feeling like I was letting somebody down, my kids, my home, my husband ,  my friends and my work mates. Something had to give so obviously work had to go. Once my husband and I discussed it and thought over it for a few good stressful months..I was then able to say goodbye to the NHS after nearly 10 years of working within it. The relief was indescribable!!!. more on that later...must dash to make breakfast for the 2 year old. Life is getting better.
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