Saturday, December 24, 2011

New year! New thought!

Look back on 2011 and smile. Smile to have something to look forward to.  Let us -Be grateful for LIFE and the opportunity to change our circumstances. Many people were not able to see the New Year as they are no longer with us. let us make more time to LOVE the ones who make time for us, love us despite ourselves and are there when needed. In all things Give thanks and have a Wonderful 2012!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thank you!

A huge THANK YOU! to all of you who popped by. I have great things in store for 2012 for this blog. I will share even more with you and have a gift giving day each month or hopefully more often than that. I am quite crafty and love making things but mostly I love GIFTING! Have a great Cristmas and see you soon. Hugs Chelsea.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sibling Bonding

Even before Erin  was out of my tummy Armelle was attached to her and today they are as close as ever. What a joy to see them play together immensely immersed in each other. With Erin I had the most brutal pregnancy but Armelle was at my side to give me cuddles and always wanted to sleep next to my tummy to feel Erin move and to talk to her.Together they are like Kindred spirits.I truly cannot ask for more at the moment.I am enjoying seeing them grow up together as sisters and as individuals. I only pray that they stay this close throughout life...but by the looks of things I am presently assured. Have any siblings you are very close to since childhood or do you have children who are particularly close? please  share.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

We are all connected

This morning I awoke to the sound of a baby bird..not a small bird a Baby Bird! Oh the joy of hearing new life and being reminded that we are all here on this earth together. We all have a voice and need to be heard and recognized.
We all have our own story to tell, our own journey to travel and our own dragons to slay. I found it so powerful to hear that sound this beautiful, so clear and with so much purpose. I am from a time and culture where as a child felt I had no voice, no rights. We were not as children allowed to have an opinion, to add out 2 pence as it were.I remember writing alot and taking up poetry, filling pages and pages with my thoughts and feeling dressing it up with rhyme and prose. It  was a great relief to have my voice in that way.

And so....I would, as a mother make sure to facilitate my daughters having a voice, discussing and debating and most of all thinking for themselves and enjoy discovering what indeed a beautiful world we live in despite what is shown on the News!

I bid you a productive and purposeful week.

Hugs Chelsea

Saturday, December 10, 2011

daughter+ scissors= salvage job!


After a bit of self indulgence with the scissors...then being told_ honey it all has to go now!

Then after an hour of devastation on both our paths..I manages to salvage some sort of workable hairstyle {at this point I should mention that I used to be a cosmetologist- great skill to call upon for moments like these}
She is loving the new look!

With a swipe of lipgloss she was totally feeling it!

And by next morning she was back being an adorable dotting big sister

Have any of your kids taken hairstyling to the next level...unsupervised and without permission? How did you handle it. I was furious and phoned a friend to clam me down, because Armelle does ballet and loves long hair and likes wearing it high up in one for her sessions. Now this was last year and her hair has grown back beautifully but can you guess what she did last week.......yep...back with the scissors and worst this will follow shortly. watch this space. Hugs Chelsea

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

My gloves are off!!!

I was trying desperately to find the balance with family life , work life and my creative all became too much.........._-Life was starting to feel more of a rat race . A race i wished to be longer apart of, i felt my family was no better for it and the monetary side was simply just not balancing out. Not with childcare cost rocketing with every change of a nappy. When worked out I was paying someone else to raise to my kids so I can go to work with very little left over for much else. What was the point..........and the stress of it all. Oh do not get me started on the stress aspect and always feeling like I was letting somebody down, my kids, my home, my husband ,  my friends and my work mates. Something had to give so obviously work had to go. Once my husband and I discussed it and thought over it for a few good stressful months..I was then able to say goodbye to the NHS after nearly 10 years of working within it. The relief was indescribable!!!. more on that later...must dash to make breakfast for the 2 year old. Life is getting better.
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